Where Do You Want to Go?
Request local taxi services in the Newport or Bangor, ME area
Need to get somewhere in a hurry? Private transportation is the way to go. ABC Taxi can pick you up and take you anywhere in Maine. Although we gladly provide local taxi services in Newport, Bangor, ME and the surrounding area, we specialize in long-distance transportation.
Contact us today if you need a ride to...
- Bangor International Airport, a local bus terminal or another transportation hub
- Acadia National Park, the Appalachian Trail or another local attraction
- School, work or another destination
We're available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
More convenient ways to pay
When you request taxi or car services, you don't need to have cash handy. We accept...
- Hospital and airline vouchers
- Major credit cards
- Venmo and PayPal
Reach out today to get a ride in Newport or Bangor, ME or a surrounding area.

Licensed | Insured | Locally Owned and Operated
Contact ABC Taxi whenever you need a lift
Rain or shine, we'll pick you up on time
Forget about hailing a cab in the rain or sitting shoulder-to-shoulder with other passengers on a loud, slow-moving bus. Take advantage of our local car services.
The ride will be quiet and comfortable, so you can relax before you attend an important meeting or take a crowded flight. And best of all, you'll arrive at your destination with time to spare.